Black & Green Ambassadors are a Bristol based programme connecting, empowering and celebrating diverse leadership and community action on environmental issues in Bristol and beyond; challenging perceptions, creating new opportunities and working towards ensuring the environmental movement is inclusive and representative of all communities.

The masterclass will focus on the courts and will affect how Creative Youth Network will bring diverse leadership and sustainability to the redevelopment of the Old Magistrates Courts into a youth enterprise hub. 

This session will be a conversation. We will talk about what Black & Green is and why it is important. We will think about what sustainability means, and what it looks like in practise. We will explore how we can take this further and think about how we need fairness and justice in the decisions we make. We will consider how we can act for the good of people and planet.

We hope you leave with the power and knowledge to bring 'green' whatever that means to all decisions going forward.

So come with open thoughts and questions... 



Tuesday 17th May 5.30pm - 8pm


In the Engine Room at:

The Station,

Silver Street,

BS1 2AG,







Or get in touch:

Emily Bull on [email protected] / 07341 456 167 or

Rebecca Scott on [email protected] / 07849 398 087

How can we help?