Creative YOU

Creativity is everywhere. Opportunity is not.     

We are part of the solution. The secret is in our name. Every year Creative Youth Network gives thousands of young people a taste and thirst for the arts and culture and the joy, life-skills and opportunity they bring.   

But we want more.   

Creative YOU is our campaign showcasing how we, you and the engaged, emerging and amazing young creatives we support, come together. 

We want to reveal how, together, we are ambition, quality, cultural democracy and social mobility in action. 

Every young person deserves the right to access creativity and development opportunities in the creative and cultural industries.

It all starts with education.

If all young people have access to creative subjects in school, then talented young people from all backgrounds can pursue their passion, develop crucial skills needed in so many industries and improve their wellbeing.

1. Pledge

Add your name and join the many people passionate about bringing creativity back into our schools.   

With all the pledges we’ll be reaching out to headteachers in Bristol and the South West. We hope this will encourage local academies to give more space to creativity in their curriculum.  

Bristol, being the creative city we know and love, can pave the way for other regions to do the same, showcasing the true value of creativity.  



2. Sign up

Join us by signing up to our newsletter where we share best practice of how to support young people. 

sign up 


3. Find out more

Join us by reading and sharing our CreativeYOU report which shows how our work brings opportunities for creative expression and enables young people to explore their talent, regardless of background or circumstance.  

Download our Creative YOU report


Creative Youth Network exists to empower young people to reach their potential, no matter what their background.

We work with some of the most disadvantaged young people, many of whom have been through unimaginable pain at a young age. Our support for young refugees and asylum seekers has been an area of work which has significantly expanded in recent years, supporting young people in troubling times of their lives, as they settle in a new country and try to understand and manage a complex immigration system.

MPs have now voted down a House of Lords amendment to Brexit legislation which would have guaranteed family reunion rights for unaccompanied child refugees after EU withdrawal. We see this to be a very disappointing beginning to the future of British legislation outside of the European Union.

Every day, our youth workers are there for young people – offering a helping hand, a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. We are proud to protect children from harm and ask the government to keep its promise on protecting family reunification for refugees, proving that Britain will protect children escaping war and persecution.

We place relationships at the heart of all our work.

We know how important it is for young people to have relationships based on trust in their lives, and family bonds are exactly where this foundation starts. While young refugees and asylum seekers might be safe when they reach the UK, and looking to start rebuilding their lives, many young people are worried about family they had to leave behind, or relatives they torn apart from on dangerous journeys. These relationships are fundamental to young people’s development, making them feel safe and secure, giving them confidence and building a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

To fulfil our duty of care towards young people and towards a bright future, we join other charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children and Safe Passage International in asking the government to keep its promise to the people across the country who believe Britain should respect and enshrine into law the right of refugees to reunite with family here.  

How can we help?