How embedded and sustained are your organisations and/or projects? 

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Embedded – Accessible to all and well-integrated into existing pathways 

Progressive – Sustained, providing links to other activities and opportunities.   


Please give a brief introduction of your name, organisation and/or project (if you have a Sovereign #iwill funded project). 

In pairs, please take turns to talk through embedded first and the progressive second. We will send reminders through the breakout room announcement function to keep to time.  

Using the template provided (if you’ve managed to print it) or by drawing out onto a piece of paper, work in your pairs to talk through: 

  • How embedded is your project or organisation and/or project? (if you have a Sovereign #iwill funded project, please think about this) 
  • How progressive is your project or organisation and/or project? (if you have a Sovereign #iwill funded project, please think about this) 
  • Any gaps in your local knowledge  

For example 

Participant 1 – talks through embedded & makes notes on template 

Participant 2 – talks through embedded & makes notes on template 

Participant 1 – talks through progressive & makes notes on template 

Participant 2 – talks through progressive & makes notes on template 

Both discuss gaps any gaps in your knowledge.  


Take a photo of your notes/template and send to [email protected]  

Please include your name and organisation name. Please state if happy to be shared with rest of group in email after the event. 


We will then return to the main group and ask for volunteer pairs to share: 

  • What is their partners organisation and/or project?  
  • Share 1 thing your partner is doing well in embedding and progressing 
  • Share 1 gap in partners knowledge 

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