Our Complementary Education Provision is a targeted Early Intervention creative programme, aimed at supporting students who are at risk of disengaging from mainstream education.

Every year, artists and youth workers enable young people to re-engage in school through creative interventions. Below you can see some of the young people's work that has been produced in schools across Bristol. Congratulations to everyone who has expressed themselves creatively, improving their skills, wellbeing and engagement in education!

Fairfield High School

John Cabot Academy - Poems - Anthropomorphism Exercise

Download the booklet



John Cabot Academy - MCing lyrics

Bristol Brunel Academy - Graffiti

Bristol Brunel Academy - Graffiti

Bristol Brunel Academy - Poems

Fairfield High School - Graffiti

Fairfield High School - Graffiti

Supported by the HAF fund with workshops being run throughout Bristol and South Gloucestershire

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