This term has been so fun. I've been so incredibly impressed with all the young people’s ability to work independently with our new online offer.

It has been a real treat for me to get to know each of them through our 1:1 sessions and support them to develop their projects in their own directions following their tastes and interests.

We met as a group each week and in this time we completed workshops in image transfer techniques, collaging and embroidery. We looked at a number of artists and each of them chose one to research further. They all attended a virtual fashion exhibition and reviewed it. They also have all created their own how-to video for their skills share which they have planned and reflected on. Each week their confidence has grown as they shared their creative developments with each other. They used the skills from our workshops to upcycle a jacket.

They have used different combinations of the techniques they learned to achieve this and the result is a collection of beautiful unique designs that reflect their own personalities and tastes.

How can we help?