For young people Advice and Support Online help Are you struggling with your mental health? Need someone to talk to? Looking for something new to do? Do you feel more comfortable with finding information online rather than meeting someone from the get-go? These are the resources for you. Essential online support for under 25s - The Mix The Mix is available to take on embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts for people under 25. You can get online information on sex & relationships, drink & drugs, housing, money and much more. There are discussion boards, group chats and webchat counselling - all accessible confidentially and online. You can also find a few useful apps which can help you understand consent, get rid of stress, get a digital motivator and find local services to fit your needs. There's something for everyone in their videos, from interview tips, to what you can expect when you see a doctor about self-harm: Struggling with your mental health? Kooth is a free, safe, anonymous online support service for young people. If you're under 18 and want to ask for help online, then councillors on Kooth are available. You can talk to someone Mon-Fri 12pm-10pm and Sat-Sun 6pm-10pm. Want one to one advice and support in person? We can help. Manage Cookie Preferences How can we help?