View the online exhibition from the Photography Course which took place in Spring 2022. The young people took many pictures of the street art and candids of regular people showcasing what they learned in the course, such as depth of field and motion capture.

Participants learnt basic SLR photography, all of them going above and beyond the basics and using art as social commentary – with incredible results. We're delighted to share a selection their images and you can view individual boards for each young photographer below – enjoy!

The Photography course was held in Spring 2022, free for anyone not in education, employment or training between the ages of 16 - 25. We're so proud of the participants' achievements and look forward to seeing more of their photography, as they further develop their skills. 

📷 View the online galleries for each young photographer below! 


Jess captured images of people in everyday yet iconic Bristol locations like the Bearpit underpass, as well as composition of objects in independent shops. Experimenting with angles and focus, the resulting images create intimate snapshots of daily life in the city. 

VIEW Jess's Gallery


Laisha's muse for their photography was on objects and depth of field where the foreground is sharp and the background is out of focus. The photos show street art around the centre of Bristol and captured an aesthetic side of Bristol.  

VIEW Laisha's Gallery


Laura Took some great photos of people and things in motion. With pictures of people walking, skating, and cycling! The motion blur coupled with the depth of field made for some extraordinary shots. 

VIEW Laura's Gallery


I enjoyed the course and found it easy to use the camera. I really enjoyed going out into the city centre and taking photos of the birds in Castle Park.

I like this one because it looks 3D and has lots of colour

I like this one because the girls hair looks like pink fluffy cotton candy

taken by Cabot Circus - talking about daily gossip

VIEW Rianna's Gallery


In Sophie's photography, there was a sense of social commentary. The stand-out picture shows a mini protest raising awareness for the UK death toll rising and the fate of many NHS staff's jobs. This was a part of the course, 'using art as social commentary.' Sophie captures a great photo that says a lot about current social issues. 


VIEW Sophie's Gallery


Liam captured soaring birds, looking at light effects and shadows, as well as close-up portraiture. 


VIEW liam's Gallery 

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