Look inside us, we know you want to. You’re curious; what makes us tick? what’s between our legs? what is it that makes us human? 

Are we everything you’ve read about? 

This is a retaliation against the social dissection of gender non-conforming bodies, where our emotions and experiences are splayed savagely on a cold operating table. 

You’re invited to bite our nails, peel our skin tags, bop with our magic school in an immersive journey into the trans body. A merging of cabaret, drag and performance art with an all-trans cast, production team, dreamers and schemers alike. 

Join our mycelium network, the dissolution of individualism, and the deliciousness of unwatered, authentic queer joy. With thanks to H.O.B artists for their involvement in this production. An all-trans and non-binary performance troupe merging drag, theatre and performance art.

Commissioned by Creative Youth Network

This show contains content that audience members may find triggering. This includes transphobia, loss, transphobic abuse, isolation, sensory overload, mental health issues and ideation, flashing lights'


Gender Criminal 



Tammy Pink 

Xanthe Kween 


Date: 26th June 2023, 7.30PM 

Location: The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, BS1 2AG 

Tickets – pay-what-you-can-afford from £2

Age: 11+ 

Get your tickets now!!

Meet The Performers:

Gender Criminal

@gender_criminal is part of Bristol's T4T drag collective H.O.B, and the antisceptic clown revolutionaries, THE HOUSE OF SAVALON. He is a hyper-pop aerial faerie Prinx who always wanted to run away to the circus... UNTIL HE BECAME ONE. He'll take you on a surreal serenade through the randy rambunctious rumblings of gender, queer culture and transdimensional body politic. Though you'll never know what may be coming, you can guarantee there will be a donk on it. 



@habieber.fever is a dancey, leafy, little femboy, who adores rolling around. He's a baby drag quing and Trans/form will be one of his first times performing solo. He's scheming to move with you through cycles of breath, death and rebirth to tell a story and journey through his body. 💚 



A shapeshifting sensation that will cast you into a trance of euphoria with her divine energy. Drawing inspiration from  ethereal fantasies, she tells a story that encapsulates you into magical unknown, leaving you yearning for more. 


Xanthe Kween 

One of the hottest new talents on the Bristol scene - Xanthe is known for their power-house performances that mix pathos with pure energy. Xanthe is the talkative mime, who is gunning for the Mx congeniality title by spreading love around Bristol and the world. From high energy dance numbers to surreal and contemporary politically focused numbers, Xanthe is the ebay mystery box of your dreams, now it’s just time to find out what’s inside… 


Tammy pink

aka crintheria @tammy.loves.pink.2 is the elvish fae demon prince of your wildest dreams. fuchsian magic seeps through his veins, eager to indoctrinate you into their bubblegum cult with rose tinted glasses. be aware, this is not a phase as he has been exuding pink excellence from the beginning of time and will continue to do that long after this plain of existence is obliterated. 



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