Weronika is an artist with experience working across different mediums; from devised theatre to filmmaking and creative writing. She is an experienced facilitator and a producer interested in ways of placing creativity at the heart of community building.

During her time with CWFTF Weronika worked with Events & Exhibition Team at Bristol Museum & Art gallery, supporting curating and delivering the exhibitions and events programme as well as online content creation. Her project, made with Marcin Gawin and presented as a part of BMAG’s online offer, Moving Through The Image, has been featured as a part of Bristol Arts Channel in July 2020. 

Currently, Weronika is working as a Creative Producer at House of Imagination, an arts research organisation that provides a range of opportunities for young people to collaborate with creative professionals. HOI is responsible for co-designing a range of art projects available to the local community, creator of an award-winning annual Forest of Imagination festival as well as ‘Schools Without Walls’ initiative. Weronika was involved in producing this year’s festival, creating online learning resources for schools in partnership with artists as well supporting other projects the charity is involved in i.e Rabbit Holes, adaptive podcasting project in partnership with Bristol+Bath Creative R+D.

As a part of her work with HOI, Weronika also collaborated with TEDxBath team on creating a series of videos that were featured as a part of a global TEDxCountown initiative, discussing how individuals in the local community are responding to the climate crisis. 

After the program ends, Weronika would love to continue working on projects that bring the Arts and artist closer to the local community, look for more opportunities to work with performing arts and focus on her creative practice as she would love to devise a theatre play soon.

From Weronikas different ways to measure time series
















Find out more about Weronika




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