Connect with other young women. Make new friends, learn new skills and have chats with friendly youth workers. A safe, inclusive, fun place for girls.


Ages? 11-19 year olds 

When? Every Tuesday, 26th Oct – 14th Dec

Time? 5pm - 6.30pm 

Where? Central Bristol*

How much? Free

*Transport is fully covered.


If you would like to refer a young person to this group, please get in touch with Kendal 

[email protected] or 07741 629 057

This session is part of the Targeted Youth Services programme in Bristol and is funded by Bristol City Council

What next?

Want to know more about this club night or have a chat before you join us? Drop us a line at [email protected] or ring us on 0117 204 7338.

You can also get personal advice and support.

How can we help?