What's On Creative Careers: Music Video Showcase Creative Careers: Music Video Showcase Over the past 4 weeks, seven talented young people embarked on our 'make a music video' creative careers course. They tirelessly worked on producing the hottest music video Bristol has to offer. With the exclusive screening taking place up on the big screen of Millennium square, this is an event you don't want to miss! Our young people worked closely with Richard Hale, a film tutor with over 10 years of experience in directing, producing, sound, cameras and editing. Many of the young creatives had never filmed or edited before. With Richard's expertise, they learnt to use a DSLR camera and to edit via Final Cut Pro. They picked up many new skills along the way, from using lighting, to working as part of a production team. This visual and audio delight includes music from upcoming musicians Marvin Blue and D Menacy. They'd never had a music video made for them before so this was an exciting opportunity to showcase their music in a new way. With a degree in music production under their belts, their sound is refined and cultivated. If you haven't already, have a listen to their track 'I Know A Man' below. Rhymes Of The Renegade by Marvin Blue & D Menacy "I loved the course, it's been really fun. I've learnt a lot, met new people and got to work with great professionals. The group was well organised and everyone was supportive. I wanted to improve my confidence by taking part and this experience has done just that. I now know I can do so much more than I ever thought would be possible" - Creative Careers Performing Arts course alumni Event details WHEN: 5th April 2019 WHERE: Millennium Square, BS1 5LL, on the big screen TIME: 5pm COST: FREE Open to everyone Find out more about our Creative Courses Manage Cookie Preferences How can we help?