This term on our animation course we explored a different style of animation each week. From flip books to shadow puppets, the young people made lots of short films and then chose their favourite to share with you here. All the animations were experimental and full of new ideas, well done everyone!



I thought the course was very interesting and fun! I chose to show this film because I think it’s the most artistic and the best one I made on the course. 



The course was really fun, I chose to show my clay animation because it was the most experimental one I made.


Ahmad & Ameen



The course was pretty fun, it was a bit different from what I’ve done before. I chose this film to show as it was the longest and most interesting film I made on the course.



I enjoyed the whole course and especially the movie I made with clay, it was quite fun.  



I really enjoyed the course because I got to try lots of different styles of animation.


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Every young person deserves the right to access creativity and development opportunities in the creative and cultural industries. If you agree:


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