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Sign-up Form

If you are signing up young people/ need details to add them to your system, here is an example of our sign up form to work from.

Outcomes and Evaluation

At CYN, we have a few different ways to monitor a young person's outcomes and experience of a session:

Experience of Session: Young people can rate their enjoyment, interest and understanding of a session in an accessible and interactive way through this form.

Practitioner Assessed Outcomes: These outcomes are observational, and allow youth workers to assess engagement and achievement with a numerical value. A breakdown of our outcomes and level scores can be found here

Collaborative Goals: These goals are set up by the young person. The youth worker can help to translate these goals into one of CYN outcomes. These are set and revisited at least once to be able to show the young person the distance travelled. We have a colourful, interactive and accessible form to capture these goals found here

WEMWBS: A scale of 14 positively worded items for assessing a young's persons mental wellbeing. It's a tool that can be used for youth workers working in 121 sessions or group sessions to support young people’s wellbeing. It is also a really valuable engagement tool. For it to be effective, it must be done at least twice to show distance travelled. For guidance on how to interpret the results. An example form can be found here (this is pulled from our system Upshot and so may need to be reformatted for own use), with guidance of how to interpret the results found here.

Trusted Youth Worker Relationships: This is a survey young people complete quarterly in their sessions to help us see and understand how young people using our services feel about their youth workers, if they feel happy and comfortable coming to sessions and if they have experienced any issues. An example form can be found here (this is pulled from our system Upshot and so may need to be reformatted for own use).

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