33% of the Bristol population are under the age of 25.

Young people with thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics including local council services and provision, the economy, climate change, lgbtqia+ matters, inequality, mental health, creative services as well as local gang and knife crime.  

2021 was a busy time for us at Creative Youth Network where we 5 We the 33% events on a variety of topics put forward and led by the young people that we work with day-today. Attending those events as keynote Listeners and Responders were representatives from a variety of industries, including but not limited to: 

The Mayor’s Office, Bristol City Council, Police & Crime Commissioners Office, Educational Academies, Local Energy Companies, Environmental Agencies, Mental Health Providers and the Creative industries. 


Last year we held: 

  • Five we the 33% events - Creative YOU, South Glos Youth Services Conference, Mayoral youth hustings, Social Action and Climate Change (COP26 event) 
  • 170 young people attended our events 
  • Had approx. 300 keynote listeners attended our events 
  • 20 pledges made by keynote Listeners and Responders to engage with young people and help bring about change in their areas of concern 


In 2021 we aimed to reach 150,000 people through social media, website and other communication mediums. In fact, we reached 237,000.


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