5. Working with diverse communities Bristol is known for being a city rich and diverse in its culture. Beneath the surface however, there are pockets of the local community in which the young people with whom we work are vastly under-represented. Marginalised youth who long for the opportunities afforded to the rest of the population and who have a voice that is waiting to be heard. Creative Youth Network celebrates those differences that make our city rich and diverse in culture. We also work with a significant proportion of these young people to ensure they have equal opportunities to achieve their life goals. Last year Creative Youth Network worked with the following marginalised and under-represented groups of young people: Refugees & Asylum Seekers Young people that identify as LGBTQIA+ Young people from BAME backgrounds Back – 4. Supporting Young People in Employment, Education and Training Next – 6. Amplifying Youth Voice Manage Cookie Preferences How can we help?