Creative Showcase 2021 Our Creative Courses regularly bring together young people aged 11-16 from diverse backgrounds, in community settings across Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Creative practitioners delivered Fashion, Puppet Making, Textiles, Art and Animation courses, enabling young people to express themselves creatively. We hope you enjoy the uplifting and inspiring work you can find documented below. Well done to every single one of you for finding inspiration and expressing yourselves and your emotions through creativity! Want to help more young people get the chance to express themselves through creativity? DONATE NOW What did you enjoy most about the course or the showcase? Leave a comment below. Art For this terms spring Art course, we explored and experimented with a variety of different techniques, these included mark making, printmaking, collage and mixed media. Due to the coronavirus and the fact we where doing our course online this terms theme was left open so the students could explore themes they felt passionate about or were particularly interesting to them as individuals. Every young person on the course produced interesting and unique work and it was a pleasure to work with everyone one of them. Ameen - For my final piece I am making a tent at night between two trees and I am collaging it because I had never done it and I wanted to try it. I made the tent between two trees because it looks nice between greenery. Alin - My final piece is a bridge leading to a mountain site with a nice sunset in the background and water under the bridge. I did it with a pencil and a ruler, no colours just the outlines. I picked it because I thought it was one of my best pieces throughout the course. I enjoyed doing the final piece because I like drawing nature. Malak - My final piece is of the pyramids and I’m making it with using collage, paint and colouring pencils and pens. I choose to do the pyramids because they represent where I am from, because I am Egyptian and it’s a welcome home and I’m always thinking of the family that are there. On the course I learnt that there were ever so many different ways to create art that it’s almost impossible to count them. I enjoyed that even though we couldn’t do it in person it was really fun online and I liked that we did a virtual trip to Mexico. It was never boring. Maxx - My final piece is mixed media collage. I was inspired by all of lock down so decided to settle on the half colour half black and white. Since I wanted to do printing as I didn't do much of it on the course so I did the tree because of broccoli leaves and it’s uniting the colour and the non colour I think this course has expanded my skill set I’ve enjoyed learning new artists and learning about them. Muhammad - I was inspired to make the motor bike after seeing custom built Bobbers with patterns engraved on the Damascus steel plates so I decided to make a dirt bike with Damascus steel plates on the engine. I have done it using collage then I cut out the motorbike and stuck it on to a painted background. Zainab - My final piece is a fairy blowing into the 4 elements (fire, water, nature and light) on a black background with white splatter marks. The fairy is printed and the white splatters are painted. The elements are individually shaped and cut out and stuck together onto the black background. What inspired me was the 4 elements and looking at mixed media. George - On this course I've gotten better at almost everything but I think the one skill I've gotten better at is collage because I've really enjoyed it so I would practice a lot while bored or have some free time. Every young person deserves the right to access creativity and development opportunities in the creative and cultural industries. If you agree: JOIN OUR CREATIVE YOU CAMPAIGN Manage Cookie Preferences How can we help?