Creative Showcase 2021

Our Creative Courses regularly bring together young people aged 11-16 from diverse backgrounds, in community settings across Bristol and South Gloucestershire. 

Creative practitioners delivered Fashion, Puppet Making, Textiles, Art and Animation courses, enabling young people to express themselves creatively. We hope you enjoy the uplifting and inspiring work you can find documented below.

Well done to every single one of you for finding inspiration and expressing yourselves and your emotions through creativity!

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Imaginary worlds of shadow play! Creating Shadow Screens and Shadow Puppets

This term we have been working with the theme of imaginary worlds and if we could escape somewhere else, where would we go?

We have been experimenting with shadow play and working with different materials to play around with light sources and using objects and shadow puppets. The young people have made two different shadow screens and shadow puppet characters to go with their shadow screens.

Each young person has come up with a different imaginary world transforming their cardboard boxes into fun and explorative worlds. Their first screens were made with colour cellophane, drawings, black card and using greaseproof paper and their second screens have been experimenting using layers of coloured tissue paper and black card.

We also have been making individual shadow puppets to go with their worlds, some out of paper and ink with a movable rod and others using black card and learning stencilling techniques to cut out shapes and patterns to allow light to shine through them. Some of their puppets move with using two rods and placing a pin through them and others just have the one rod.

We also did a session where we played around with using layers of coloured cellophane and this was to experiment how colours work together using light and how you can create new colours that can appear through layering the cellophane, creating a stain glass effect.

It has been a really fun term, thank you too all that has participated you have all been amazing to work with and I have enjoyed teaching you all so much and feel very inspired by all your wonderful creations.


Every young person deserves the right to access creativity and development opportunities in the creative and cultural industries. If you agree:


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