Find out more about the young artists on our Creative Futures programme.

Name: Sam
Age: 24
Art form: Illustrator

What made you apply for creative futures?

I mainly applied for creative futures so that I could be around other creative people. In the past I've mainly worked on my own, which make it hard to get my motivation going, even though I know how beneficial creating is for me.
I also wanted to take my creative practice further towards an end outcome and to get feedback from many different people.
I'd also really like to support myself through my creativity and though this would be a great stepping stone towards that.

Tell us about the work you are currently making?

For this project I will be looking deeply at the self and connections. I'll be exploring this through internal portraits and sculptural plant pots. I'll keep my mind open to new possibilities so later on, the project may expand.

What are you most excited to do on creative futures?

I'm excited to help create and facilitate workshops, I feel this will really help with my confidence and could inspire me to make and run my own! I'm also excited to see where my project takes me, and to see all of our progression and outcomes.

Where do you see yourself at the end of the programme?

I see myself at the end feeling confident and excited about my creative future and excited to see where it will take me.

Find out more about our Creative Futures programme. 

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