In this course the participants worked the facilitators to create their own piece of performance, working with the theme of grief. 

The ideas and creation were all led by the young people – the group played with shadows early on in the course and decided that this felt like a good way to explore the ideas they wanted to talk about.

In the photo gallery below you can see them exploring a range of emotions and real-life situations – from feeling alone, to be comforted by others, to depression and hope. They decided to look at the 5 stages of grief as a starting point and see how these 5 different stages of emotion also came up in their lives or in the lives of those around them.  

The young people looked at the joy of sharing feelings and how important it is to have support and support each other whether you are experiencing grief or anything else.

Everyone was very excited to perform this to an audience but in these strange times we hope you enjoy these beautiful photos of the young people creating shadow scenes during the course.

Stages of Grief

Scroll through the gallery below to see the photos:


Congratulations to the young people who took part:

  • Iris-May (13)
  • Ripley (13)
  • Daisy (13)
  • Jenna (15)
  • Evie (11)
  • Angie (13)

Special thanks to course tutor Willow and assistant Nick. 

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